

翻译常识您当前的位置:首页 > 学习园地 > 翻译常识 >


文章来源:  发布时间:2014-01-02

草签 to initial
会谈纪要 minutes of a meeting
开幕式 inaugural ceremony
闭幕式 closing ceremony
剪彩 to cut the ribbon
结束会议 to wind up; to close
常设机构 standing body
决策机构 policy-making body
附属机构 subsidiary body
下属机构 subordinate body
主管机构 appropriate(competent) body
便宴 informal banquet
工作午餐 working luncheon
揭幕典礼 unveiling ceremony; to unveil a ...
设宴 to host a dinner for ...; to give a dinner in one's honor
告别词 valediction; farewell speech
即兴讲话 impromptu speech; off-the-cut speech
阁下(对总统、总理、外长、部长、大使、公使和显要人物的尊称,对王族、贵族、军人或低于部长的官员一般不使用) H.E. (His Excellency)
殿下(对亲王、王子、公主等的称呼) H.R.H. (His Royal Highness)
陛下 H.M. (His Majesty)
XX总理阁下和夫人 His Excellency Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. XX (姓)
尊敬的 Your Excellency Respected
敬爱的 respected and dear; respected and beloved
法家 Legalists; legalist school
儒家 Confucianists
孔子 Confucius
孟子 Mencius
法治 the rule of law
礼治 the rule of rites
王道 the way of right
霸道 the way of might
仁 benevolence
义 righteousness
德 virtue
智 wisdom
善 kindness
孝 filial piety
悌 brotherly duty
忠 loyalty
恕 forbearance
廉耻 integrity and sense of shame


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