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文章来源:翻译室  发布时间:2015-10-10

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015


时政要闻  News Review

  1. 8月4日,为加强应对全球变暖问题,美国总统奥巴马正式宣布了一项具有争议的计划,该计划旨在减少美国发电厂碳排放量。奥巴马表示,气候变化是当前世界面临的最大威胁,该计划要求,到2030年,全美发电厂的碳排放量应在2005年基础上削减32%,这将会减少美国家庭的能源支出,同时提高全美人民的健康水平。
    US President Barack Obama stepped up efforts to fight global warming at the formal unveiling of his administration's controversial plan to cut carbon emissions from US power plants on August 4th. Declaring climate change the greatest threat facing the world, Obama said the regulation requiring the power sector to cut its emissions by 32% from 2005 levels by 2030 would reduce Americans' energy bills and improve the health of vulnerable populations nationwide.
    2. 9月21日,俄罗斯总统普京在会见来访的以色列总理内塔尼亚胡时表示,莫斯科在中东问题上将始终保持负责任的态度。内塔尼亚胡此次到访主要就俄不断加大介入叙力度以及中东地区的其他安全问题与普京交换看法。双方都同意,保持中东地区稳定符合双方利益,内塔尼亚胡对双方的相互尊重和开放性对话表示赞赏。
    Moscow's position on the Middle East would always remain responsible, Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 21st, told visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister came to Russia to mainly discuss with Putin Russia's growing involvement in Syria as well as other security issues in the Middle East region. Both sides agreed that they share common interests of ensuring stability in the Middle East, while Netanyahu praised the mutual respect and openness of the dialogue with Moscow.
    3. 9月22日,欧盟成员国政府大多数表决通过了关于重新安置12万难民的议案,此举将有助于改善欧盟部分国家面临的日益严峻的难民问题。欧盟表示,所有参与此次重新安置项目的国家都会一次性获得每名难民6000欧元的安置补助。然而,这项议案受到包括丹麦和英国在内的部分成员国的强烈反对,它们不会参与安置行动。
    The governments of European Union (EU) member countries approved the proposal to relocate 120,000 migrants by a majority vote on September 22nd. This will help to improve the situation of refugees facing some of the EU members. EU said the member states participating in the mechanism will receive a lump sum of 6, 000 Euros for each relocated person. However, the proposal was outright resisted by some member states, such as Denmark and the United Kingdom; they will not participate in this decision.
    4. 第十五届国际田联世界田径锦标赛8月22日在北京国家体育场隆重开幕,来自世界207个国家的约2000名运动员将同场竞技。中国国家主席习近平在开幕式上宣布该项赛事开幕,出席开幕式的还有国际奥委会主席托托马斯·巴赫和国际田联主席拉米·迪亚克。此次田径世锦赛上,中国代表团收获1金7银1铜,创造了参加世锦赛以来的最佳战绩。
    The 15th World Athletics Championships opened at the National Stadium in Beijing on August 22nd, with about 2,000 athletes from 207 countries around the world taking part in. Chinese President Xi Jinping declared it open at the ceremony. Among those present at the ceremony were International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach and International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) President Lamine Diack. Chinese Delegation won 1 gold medal, 7 silver medals and 1 bronze medal in this event, and the best since the first attendance of World Athletics Championships.
    5. 9月3日,中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年活动正式在北京拉开序幕,此次活动由国务院总理李克强主持,国家主席习近平出席并发表讲话,并与来华国家元首、政府首脑及联合国等国际组织代表一起观看了阅兵仪式。此次纪念活动旨在铭记历史,缅怀在战争中牺牲的生命,珍惜和平和展望未来。
    On September 3rd, the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War kicked off in Beijing. The ceremony was presided by Premier Li Keqiang. President Xi Jinping attended the ceremony and delivered a speech, and observed the military parade with heads of state and government and representatives of the United Nations and other international organizations. The aim of the commemoration is to remember history and honor all those who have laid down their lives during the war, to cherish peace and also to look towards the future.
    6. 9月22日,国务院总理李克强主持会议,听取国务院天津港“8•12”瑞海公司危险品仓库特别重大火灾爆炸事故调查组工作进展情况汇报。此次爆炸共造成165人死亡,其中包括99名消防人员和11名民警,给港口区域带来了严重损失。李克强总理明确要求彻查原因、严肃追责。
    Premier Li Keqiang headed a meeting on September 22nd, for a briefing of the report by the State Council investigation team on the explosion of Tianjin hazardous chemicals warehouse owned by Ruihai International Logistics. Huge explosions occurred on August 12th, killing 165 people, including 99 firefighters and 11 police officers, and devastating the port area. Premier Li stated clearly that the investigation should be thoroughly done and serious accountability would be required.
    7. 9月2日,来华出席中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动的塔吉克斯坦总统埃莫马利•拉赫蒙在北京钓鱼台国宾馆会见省长谢伏瞻,并共同见证河南省人民政府与塔吉克斯坦哈特隆州政府、中国国家开发银行《关于融资推动农业产业项目合作谅解备忘录》的签署。
On September 2nd, visiting President Emomali Rakhmon of the Republic of Tajikistan for the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War met with Governor Xie Fuzhan of Henan province at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and they witnessed the signing of The MOU on Promoting the Agricultural Cooperation through financing among Henan province, Khatlon State of Tajikistan and China Development Bank.
    8. 9月17日,郑州国际陆港开发建设有限公司发布消息,自2013年7月18日首班运行以来,郑欧班列已累计开行200班,总累计货值9.67亿美元,货重8.76万吨,综合指标继续保持全国21列中欧班列首位。
    On September 17th, Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co.,Ltd released that since the first Zhengzhou-Europe Block Train was opened on July 18th, 2013, 200 block trains have been operated, with total cargo value of 967 million US dollars and total cargo weight of 87,600 tons. Composite indicator continues to be the first amongst all 21 China-Europe block trains.(供稿人:高阳、宋美扬子)

President Xi’s State Visit to US

    Invited by US President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to US from September 22 to 25, and visited UN headquarter in New York from September 26 to 28 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. This is President Xi’s first state visit to the United States and his first visit to the UN headquarters. The visit attracts great attention from people in China, the United States and the wider international community. 
    1. 随行访问人员和企业
     Accompanying officials and entrepreneurs:
    主席夫人彭丽媛、中央政治局委员、中央政策研究室主任王沪宁,中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中办主任栗战书,国务委员杨洁篪、外交部部长王毅等陪同访问。此外阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、万向集团(Wanxiang Group)、腾讯(Tencent)、联想集团(Lenovo)、新奥能源(ENN Energy)、中远集团(COSCO Group)、中国建筑(CSCEC)、双汇集团(Shuanghui Group)、中国银行(BOC)、工商银行(ICBC)、伊利集团(Yili Group)、百度(Baidu)、海尔集团(Haier Group)等15家中国企业的高管随行访美。15家企业均为各行业领军企业,涉及互联网、金融、汽车、能源、食品、建筑、化工、制造业等多个领域。
    2. 访问主要议程: 
    Major activities:

    922:在西雅图参加美中关系全国委员会(National Committee on United States-China Relations)和美中贸易全国委员会(U.S.-China Business Council)举办的晚宴,并发表重要的政策演讲;
    923:参加由芝加哥大学保尔森基金会(Paulson Institute)主席、前财政部长小亨利·M·保尔森(Henry M.Paulson Jr.)举办的圆桌讨论,参观波音(Boeing)位于华盛顿州埃弗里特的工厂,访问塔科马市的林肯高中(Lincoln High School),出席由微软(Microsoft)和中国互联网协会举办的中美互联网行业论坛(U.S.-China Internet Industry Forum)。 
    924:在白宫会晤奥巴马总统、国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)和奥巴马的国家安全顾问苏珊·E·赖斯(Susan E. Rice)。
    926:前往纽约,参加在联合国总部(UN headquarter)举行的活动。
    3. 访问的主要目的:
      Major Objectives
    First, President Xi’s visit helps enhance trust and reduce misgivings between China and the United States. China and the US working together benefits both countries and the world at large. Frictions in relations undermine both countries’ interests and affect the wider world.
    Secondly, President Xi’s visit focuses on cooperation between China and the United States. The all-dimensional and strategic cooperation between China and the US has provided new drivers to boost not just bilateral relations, but also the cause of global peace and development.
    Thirdly, President Xi’s visit is a people-first visit. China-US friendly relations are powered by the people, and rooted in the people. A major highlight of President Xi’s visit to the US is his extensive outreach to the American people.
    Fourthly, President Xi’s visit is future-oriented. During the visit, the two sides not only take stock of the past and enhance mutual trust, but more importantly, they work together to articulate a vision for the future.
    Presenting Zun of Peace to the United Nations
   This Zun of Peace is presented by the Chinese government as a gift to the United Nations to commemorate its 70th anniversary.
    Zun of Peace is modeled after Zun, a bronze ritual object used in ancient China. Zun means reverence in Chinese, and this bronze ritual object is highly important in traditional Chinese culture. This gift represents China's high regard and support for the United Nations and the best wishes of the over 1.3 billion Chinese people to the organization.
    This work is mainly in the color of “Chinese red”, giving a warm and solemn touch to it. The dragons at the top represent guardians of peace, and the elephants and phoenixes on both sides convey wishes for prosperity across the world. The whole work is adorned with traditional auspicious patterns and elements of the Silk Road, representing China's vision of peace, development, exchanges and cooperation. The seven flying doves symbolize 70 years of the United Nations' dedication to world peace.   (节选自外交部网站;供稿人:丁锐)


    冬季奥林匹克运动会是一项国际性的重大体育赛事,每四年举办一次. 相比夏季奥运会而言,冬奥会的项目主要是在冰雪上进行。第一届冬奥会于1924年在法国夏蒙尼举办。今年7月31日,北京及其协办城市河北省张家口市在国际奥委会投票中以44比40险胜哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图,赢得了2022年冬季奥运会的举办权。
    The Winter Olympic Games is a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics, the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice. The first Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, France in 1924. Beijing, with co-host Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei province, edged out Almaty, Kazakhstan, by 44-40 in the IOC vote on July 31st,won  the hosting right of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games
    Chinese government fully supports Beijing's bid for 2022 Winter Olympic Games and will provide all kinds of safeguards for the Games, including finance, law, security, health care and organizational operations. The Games will inspire 300 million Chinese, especially young people in Beijing, to join the Winter Sports’ fun if the city wins the 2022 bid. The Games can ignite their passion, and make them healthier. As a responsible country, China will meet all preparatory pledges.
    Eleven of the 12 venues in Beijing are already 2008 Olympic Games legacy venues, substantially reducing costs. And all new venues planned in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou aligns with the long-term regional development plans. Our proven event-organizing capability, including holding the Asian Winter Games, will provide a reliable platform for successful 2022 winter games.
     We have a saying in China, a journey of thousand miles starts with a single step. Today a historical step in the journey of Olympic movement will be taken. You have the choice to choose the city who will not only deliver an athlete-centered Olympic Games, but who will also build a foundation for ice sports development.
     As one of the world's top tourist destinations, Beijing has received almost five million international tourists in 2014 and the city has more than 110,000 star-rated hotel rooms. To cater all the Games clients and spectators, Beijing has signed binding agreements with 132 hotels, exceeding the IOC room requirements by 30 percent. The existing accommodation would be able to offer them better choices.
    Short Track Speed Skating 短道速滑
    Speed Skating 速度滑冰
    Figure Skating 花样滑冰
    Ice Hockey 冰球
    Curling 冰壶
    Bobsleigh 雪车
    Freestyle Skiing自由式滑雪
    Nordic Combined北欧两项
    Alpine Skiing高山滑雪
    Cross-Country Skiing越野滑雪
    Ski Jumping 跳台滑雪


    A trio of Chilean engineers says they have found a way to thwart determined thieves with what they claim is the world's first 'unstealable bike.' The design, called the Yerka, looks like an average bike, but the bottom tube of the frame can be split into two parts and wrapped around a pole. According its creators, the frame can be dismantled and reconnected to make a lock in just 10 seconds. Once the bike's seat tube forms a lock, the only way to steal the bike would be to cut through it, destroying it in the process. The Yerka is the creation of Cristóbal Cabello, 22, Andrés Roi Eggers, 23 and Juan José Monsalve, 24. The design was first announced in November, but last week, the team said they had put in their first order to produce 300 Yerkas. While an investment of $100,000 from a state enterprise fund helped the project along, they raised most of their funds on crowdfunding site Indiegogo. The start-up sold the first 100 bikes for $400 then increased the price to $500. In future it will rise to $600, according to a CNN report. While they call it the world's first unstealable bike, critics have previously said the lock could be picked or the bike easily destroyed. Thieves might also be happy simply to get the handlebars or front wheel. But the team says that if they weren't working on something as revolutionary as this, they would have their critics. They also add that the wheels have anti-theft nuts that can only be opened with a special key. The designers are now working on an app that will let users open up their bike using the smart phone.


A lion’s teeth are bared, and his enemies simply shudder at his roar. 气场能量场一出来,省去不少事。
    苹果设计理念,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.(出自《乔布斯传》)
    苹果的界面用户友好,其产品不用说明书,用户凭直觉思维intuitive thinking就知道怎么使用。其实让一个电子产品做功,其总劳动量是一定的,设计师工程师思维强度大了,消耗卡路里多了,用户才可以不费力。
    译员的工作也是,译员水平高,加工处理信息能力强,构思组织译语付出劳动多了,脱口而出的译语就会简洁明了,brief and to the point, 而且更容易让人理解和接受。比如周总理介绍《梁祝》时的一句“Chinese Romeo and Juliet”,引发全场笑声和赞叹。
    在此,我讲一个亲身经历的故事。在巩义市直幼儿园给外教当陪同翻译时,我与之打交道的外教是个年轻的菲律宾女孩,性格活泼开朗。有一次,她上完课,碰巧生活老师送水果来。那是给整个班的一大盆葡萄。外教做个鬼脸,说I’ll take these away. 我知道她只是恶作剧,逗一下在场的小朋友。她双手端起葡萄就往外走,我呢,half shocked and half amused,给个瞪大眼睛同时忍住笑的表情,没有翻译她这句话。其实也没有译的必要,大家都看到了她在干什么,配合并欣赏她的表演,娱乐小朋友就行。小家伙们一副惊呆了又很担心的神态,她目的达到了,立即笑着把葡萄放回了原处。整个过程极短,只有一二十秒,如果我出声,会破坏气氛,而且等我说完,葡萄多半已经放回,喜剧效果会大打折扣。
    不同语言背景,不同思维方式。译员会引导服务对象的思考走向,善于在两种语言的思维模式中转换,让双方渐渐想到一块儿去,不仅仅是译员能预测接下来讲话内容而有利于译语输出,更重要的是能促成讲话交谈的目标达成。如果译员不需要多说,双方达成合意,当然是上策。法国作家圣艾修伯里的《小王子》里有句话:“语言是引起误会的根源。”恰到好处,不多一句,是一个优秀译员应该拿捏得当的尺度。(供稿人:巩义市外侨办 张舒)
     您好,非常感谢您一直以来对《译讯》的关注与支持。为进一步满足广大读者的需求,现开辟交流园地专栏,欢迎大家踊跃投稿,分享您对国际交流、语言文化学习、翻译技巧与能力建设、职业成长的所思所想。         《译讯》得到了读者的广泛认可,但由于水平有限,仍难免有所疏漏和谬误,敬请广大读者多提宝贵意见和建议,以便我们在今后的工作中进一步完善提高。



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