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文章来源:翻译室  发布时间:2015-11-17

News Review
    1. 10月5日,85岁的药学家屠呦呦和另外两位科学家共同荣获2015诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,成为我国在该领域首位诺贝尔奖得主,该奖项肯定了他们在寄生虫疾病药物研究方面的工作。屠呦呦因发现了青蒿素而获奖,该药物能够治疗疟疾,并已挽救了全球尤其是发展中国家的数百万生命。
    Eighty-five-year old Chinese pharmacologist Tu Youyou became China's first medicine Nobel laureate on October 5. She was one of the three scientists awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work in developing effective drugs against parasitic diseases. Tu was honored for developing Artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world.
    2. 应英国女王伊丽莎白二世邀请,习近平主席于10月19日至23日对英国进行国事访问,这是中国国家主席十年来首次对英国事访问。双方一致认为,习近平主席此访是今年高层交往的高潮,为中英关系提供了历史性机遇。中英将共同致力于构建面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系。此访开启了持久、开放、共赢的中英关系“黄金时代”。
    At the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the United Kingdom from October 19 to 23. This is the first state visit paid by a Chinese President to the UK in 10 years. Both sides agree that the State Visit, as the culmination of the high-level exchanges this year, provides a historic opportunity for China-UK relations. China and the UK are committed to building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st century. This visit opens a golden era in China-UK relations featuring enduring, inclusive and win-win cooperation.
    3. 10月26日,阿富汗东北部发生7.8级地震,此次地震已造成360多人死亡,数千人受伤,印度首都新德里也有震感。由于震中兴都库什山区通讯中断,死亡人数将会进一步上升。
    A major 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the remote Afghan northeast on October 26, killing more than 360 people in Afghanistan and injuring thousands and sending shock waves as far as New Delhi. The death toll could climb in coming days because communications were down in much of the rugged Hindu Kush mountain range where the quake was centered.
    4. 10月12日,省长谢伏瞻在郑州会见了奥地利蒂罗尔州州长君特·普拉特一行,并续签两省州加强交流与合作备忘录。谢伏瞻说,河南省与蒂罗尔州自1999年9月结为友好省州以来,友好交往和经贸合作不断加深,希望借此次续签两省州加强交流与合作备忘录,继续巩固和发展两省州业已存在的友好关系,充分发挥各自优势,用好友好省州平台,推动省州全方位合作取得实质性进展。君特·普拉特表示蒂罗尔州愿意加强与河南的合作,密切人员往来,不断深化双方合作,为两省州友好关系的发展注入新活力。
    On October 12, Governor Xie Fuzhan met with Gunter Pratt, Governor of Tirol, Austria in Zhengzhou, and renewed the MOU signed between the two sides. Governor Xie said that since Henan and Tirol established sister-province/state relations in September 1999, friendly exchanges and economic and trade cooperation have been constantly deepened. He hoped that both sides could take the opportunity of renewing MOU to consolidate friendly relations, give full play to each other’s advantages, make good use of the exchange platforms, and strive for substantial progress of all-round cooperation. Governor Gunter Pratt said that Tirol is willing to strengthen cooperation with Henan, enhance people-to-people exchanges, and inject new vitality to the bilateral relations.
    5. 10月20日,省统计局发布的最新数据显示,前三季度,非金属矿物制品业、计算机通信和其他电子设备制造业、专用设备制造业、化学原料和化学制品制造业、农副食品加工业、通用设备制造业、食品制造业、金属制品业、有色金属冶炼和压延加工业、汽车制造业等10个行业是支撑全省规模以上工业增长的主要力量。这10个行业增加值合计同比增长11.9%,对全省规模以上工业增长的贡献率69.5%,拉动全省规模以上工业增长5.9个百分点。以“互联网+”等为代表的新产业、新业态引领作用明显,发展势头迅猛。
    Statistics released by Henan Provincial Bureau of Statistics on October 20th shows that in the first three quarters of this year, non-metallic mineral products industry, computer communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing, special equipment manufacturing, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing, agricultural food processing, general equipment manufacturing, food manufacturing, metal products, non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing and automobile manufacturing are the main forces to bolster the province's industrial growth. The added value of the 10 industries enjoy a year-on-year growth of 11.9%, contributing 69.5% of Henan's above-scale industrial growth and driving the above-scale industry to increase by 5.9%. New industries and new business patterns represented by "Internet +" develop rapidly and play a leading role. 
    6. 10月26日,装载3.032吨澳大利亚冰鲜牛肉的华航CI0054航班从澳大利亚飞抵郑州新郑国际机场。这是河南进口肉类指定口岸获批后首次直接进口肉类产品,标志着我国首个不沿海、不沿江、不沿边的内陆进口肉类指定口岸正式启用。据悉,首批澳大利亚冰鲜牛肉进口量约150吨,将在近期陆续运抵新郑国际机场。
    On October 26, China Airlines CI0054 loading 3.032 tons of fresh beef from Australia landed in Zhengzhou  Xinzheng International airport. This was the first meat product directly imported since the designated port of meat importing in Henan was approved, marking the launch of first designated port of meat importing in China’s hinterland. It is reported that the first batch of fresh beef weighs about 150 tons and will arrive Zhengzhou Xinzheng International airport in succession recently.
    7. 11月7日,习近平主席在新加坡会见台湾领导人马英九,就推进两岸关系和平发展交换意见。这是中国内战(1946-49)以来两岸间第一次举行该规格会议。习近平与马英九在新加坡会中互相称呼对方为“先生”,并在会议结束后共进晚餐。
    Chinese President Xi Jinping met Taiwan’s leader Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore on November 7 and exchanged views on promoting the peaceful development of cross-straits relations. It was the first meeting of its kind from the two sides since the Chinese civil war (1946-49). Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou addressed each other as "Mr" and had dinner after the meeting.(供稿人:丁锐、高阳)
    1. 在中国,民本和法制思想自古有之,几千年前就有“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”的说法。
  In China, the concept of putting people first and following the rule of law emerged in the ancient times.
    2.  凡是过去,皆为序章。
  What’s past is prologue.
  典出:莎士比亚戏剧《暴风雨》(The Tempest),第二幕第一场。
    3. 志合者,不以山海为远。
  Nothing, not even mountains and oceans, can separate people with shared goals and vision.
  释义:心志投合的双方,相隔山海之阻也不觉得遥远; 道不相同的两方,相处咫尺之近也不感觉亲密。所以,有些人、有些国家,跋山涉水而来,却交往密切; 相反,有些人、有些国家,一衣带水而居,却形同陌路 。
    4.  来而不可失者,时也;蹈而不可失者,机也。
  Opportunity may knock just once; grab it before it slips away.
    5.  履不必同,期于适足;治不必同,期于利民。
  People don’t need to wear the same shoes; they should find what suit their feet. Governments don’t have to adopt the same model of governance; they should find what benefits their people.
    6. “生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。”哈姆雷特的这句话,给我留下了极为深刻的印象。
  “To be or not to be, that is the question.” This line from Hamlet has left a lasting impression on me.
    7.  凡益之道,与时偕行。
  All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant.
(陈玮 摘编自中国日报、人民网)

    一、在对外公文中,统一将“丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路”的英文全称译为“the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”,“一带一路”简称译为“the Belt and Road”,英文缩写用“B&R”。 
    三、考虑到“一带一路”倡议一词出现频率较高,在非正式场合,除首次出现时使用英文全称译文外,其简称译法可视情况灵活处理,除可使用“the Belt and Road Initiative”外,也可视情使用“the land and maritime Silk Road initiative”。其他译法不建议使用。

    May I see your passport, please?
    Here is my passport / Here it is.
    Where are you staying?
    I will stay at Boston Hotel.
    What's the purpose of your visit?
    Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?
    Yes, here it is.
    How long will you be staying in the United States?
    I plan to stay for about 10 days.
    How much money do you have with you?
    I have 800 dollars.
    Good. Have a nice day.
    Thank you. I'm just passing through. I am leaving for Geneva tonight.

Year of China in South Africa
Henan Week

    The capital city of Bokone Bophirima Province, Mahikeng, from Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 October was a hive of activities as Premier SOR Mahumapelo hosted a delegation from Henan Province in China led by Vice-Governor Li Ya, for what is dubbed “China Week in Bokone Bophirima Province”.
    10月28日至30日, “南非中国年—河南周”活动于南非西北省首府玛菲肯举办。西北省省长马赫马佩罗与河南省副省长李亚共同出席了主要活动。
    The Chinese’s visit to the Province follows the declaration of 2015 as the Year of China in South Africa by both Presidents Zuma of South Africa and Xi of China, with a view to strengthen economic, social and political relations between the two countries. 2014 was the Year of South Africa in China.
    Premier Mahumapelo and Vice-Governor Li Ya, after a meeting held on 30 October, have agreed to explore possibilities for future cooperation in the field of agriculture, culture, tourism and mining. The cooperation between the two Provinces will also focus on development programmes such as the Mahikeng Rebranding, Repositioning and Renewal Projects, establishment of cooperatives in rural areas, education and cultural heritage exchange programmes as well as comprehensive transport systems.
    Key to the China Week in Bokone Bophirima’s three-day programme was the hosting of a business seminar that see business people from around the Province interacting with business associations from China on investment opportunities in the sectors of Agriculture, Culture, Tourism, Mining, Infrastructure and Construction.
    Moreover, cultural groups from China showcased their dance and Kung Fu performances to the delegates and communities at the Mmabatho Convention Centre.
(宋美扬子 编译自全非新闻综合网站和南非政府官方网站)

Family Planning

China allows all couples to have two children

    China has abandoned its more than 35-year-old “one-child policy”. Now couples can have two.
    Chinese demographers had been worrying aloud for years about China’s rapidly ageing population and plunging birth rate and the impact these trends would have on the country’s economy. On October 29th the Communist Party finally ended the “one-child policy” that has been widely—often excessively—blamed for exacerbating these problems. Now couples will be allowed to have two.
    It had already made several adjustments to the policy since it was introduced in 1979. These have long allowed those living in the countryside to have two children under certain conditions—if the first child is a girl, for example. In urban areas, the party allowed couples to have two children if both parents were themselves only children. It relaxed this in 2013, allowing couples to have two if only one parent meets that requirement. Ethnic minorities (less than 10% of the population) are often allowed two or more.
    Now the party has relaxed somewhat more. The reason not to celebrate is that it is far from clear that the change will have much of an impact on the birth rate. After the previous relaxation was introduced in 2013, the government expected that 2m couples would try for a second child under the new rules within the first year. By the end of 2014 fewer than 1.1m had applied. The party has set no timetable for removing restrictions   altogether.

    一、音译,这是商品翻译中比较常见的方法之一,用汉语中与源语商品名读音相近的字或相同的词进行替代。例如德国著名奶粉品牌 Aptamil ,中文译名为“爱他美”,一看便知是由英文名称音译而来,译名在保持与源语发音基本相似的情况下,有意选择了与产品特性有关的汉字“爱”和“美”,表达喜爱宝宝和希望健康美丽的含义,能够激发中国消费者尤其是年轻父母们的购买欲望。类似的例子还有德国奶粉品牌Hipp“喜宝”,护发染发品牌Schwarzkopf“施华蔻”,护肤品牌Nivea“妮维雅”,意大利果酱蜂蜜品牌Rigoni“瑞歌”等。
    二、直译,指直接按照字面上的意思翻译。这种方法适用于翻译商品名在源语和译语文化中具有相同或相似的联想意义。例如意大利著名精油沐浴乳Tesori d' Oriente,按照字面意思直译为“东方宝石”,无论是源语还是译名都带有一种异域风情和独特的奢华气质,能给人尤其是女性消费者留下深刻印象。再如意大利清洗品牌Chante Clair“大公鸡管家”,美国内衣品牌Victoria’s Secret直译为“维多利亚的秘密”等。
    三、意译,指的是不直接采用其字面意思,根据商品的特性和功能,把商品名所要表达的内涵和意境给翻译出来。例如德国营养品牌Floradix,中文译名为“铁元”,就是根据其主要功效来翻译的,能够让人了解到该产品具有补铁功效,同时“元”也有元气、根本之意,非常符合中国文化背景。这里再举几个例子如美国女性保健用品品牌Whisper译成“护舒宝”,婴儿卫生品牌 Pampers译为“帮宝适”,和英国化妆品品牌The Body Sop“美体小铺”等。





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