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文章来源:  发布时间:2014-01-02

保持共产党员先进性 maintain the vanguard nature of the Communists
刺激方案Stimulus package
ratio of reserve requirement
电解铝 electrolytic aluminum
归口管理 take overall oversight of
规模以上工业 enterprise above the designated size/scale
过渡性贷款Bridging loan
后发优势advantages of a late comer/catching-up effect
加强薄弱环节 shore up weak links
加强党性修养 cultivate their Party spirit
降低基准利率cut key interest rate
结构调整 structural adjustment, restructuring
结构性减税 structural tax reduction
经济适用房 government subsidized housing
经济增长点 growth areas/sectors
救市计划 bailout plan, rescue plan
快速公交系统Bus Rapid Transit
扩内需,保增长 boost domestic demand to sustain economic growth
礼仪之邦 land of courtesy and propriety
廉政建设 building of a clean government
没有万能药.There is no silver bullet.
农机下乡 bring agricultural machinery to the countryside
强化对信用评级机构的监管exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies◆
全球金融体系 global financial architecture
税费改革 reform of taxes and fees
淘汰落后生产能力 shut down backward production facilities
行政村 incorporated villages
学习型社会 a learning-inclined/pro-learning society
赢得主动 to take the initiative/ to gain the upper hand
增加有效需求 increase effective demand
增强透明性和责任性Strengthen transparency and accountability
住房公积金 publicly accumulated housing fund
专属经济区 exclusive economic zone
资产重组Recapitalization recapitalize 


  • 中华人民共和国中央人民政府
  • 中华人民共和国外交部
  • 中共中央对外联络部
  • 中国人民对外友好协会
  • 河南省政府网
  • 中国领事服务网